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Saffron Walden Horticultural Society


This guide has been compiled to help those members who grow flowers or produce but are deterred from exhibiting in our shows because they do not know what is required. The regulations for showing and the wording of a class should be carefully read before staging, as it is most disappointing for the exhibitor as well as the judge if the card is marked N.A.S. (not according to schedule). Exhibits should be named where possible, (this could affect the judge’s decision). If in doubt ask a steward or committee member.



These should be clean, fresh, tender and without blemish. Root crops should be carefully lifted and sponged with cold water. Fibrous roots should be carefully removed. Exhibits should be covered to exclude light until required for judging. Uniformity is important. Beetroot, Carrots and Parsnips should have their foliage trimmed to approx. 75mm long


Select uniform size beetroot with smooth skin . Retain full length of tap root. For Globe type - not too large, approx 60 and 75mm diameter. For Cylindrical type approx. 150mm long. Judge may cut beetroot to check the internal condition


Select good shape with fresh, solid heart. Retain surrounding leaves with bloom intact but remove outer discoloured leaves. Stage with approx. 75mm of stalk and head towards the front.


Select fresh roots of good shape, colour and size, free from side roots and from green at the crown.


Select heads with symmetrical, close, solid, white curds, free from stain or frothiness. Prior to judging exclude light from curd. Normally staged with approx. 75mm of stalk and leaves neatly trimmed back to the level of the outside of the curd.

Courgettes  Select young, tender uniform fruits approx. 150 mm in length or if round approximately 75mm diameter. Display flat and preferably with flower still attached.

Select fresh, young, straight fruits of uniform thickness, with short handles and preferably, flowers still attached

French Beans/
Runner Beans 

Select straight tender pods of even length and good colour with no sign of seeds. Exhibit with stalk intact.


For “dressed” (trimmed) class, select uniform well-ripened bulbs of good colour. Avoid over skinning. Necks should be firm and thin. Tops should be tied. Trim roots to the base of the onion. May be staged on rings or soft collars. For “as grown” class, wash and exhibit with leaves and roots intact.


Select equally matched, medium sized tubers approx. 200-250g each with shallow eyes. Should be free from skin blemishes. Stage on plate. with rose end outwards. Cover with cloth to exclude light until just before judging


For show purposes this is a vegetable. Select fresh, straight, long stalks. Trim leaves back to approximately 75mm, but do NOT trim foliage of ‘Forced’ rhubarb. Cut off any bud scales at the bottom and wipe clean


Select medium-sized (approx. 60mm diameter), ripe but firm richly coloured fruit with fresh calyces attached. Avoid overripe fruit or those with “greenback”. Stage on plate with calyces uppermost.

Fresh, ripe but firm, well-coloured fruits which should not exceed 35mm in diameter, with fresh calyces attached


Fruit should be at least average size for the variety and perfect in colour form and condition. Stage all fruit with stalks. Uniformity is important.


Select large ripe fruits of good colour with stalks, calyces should look fresh and all point one way when staged

Currants  Select large strigs with plenty of berries. Berries should be large, ripe and uniform on fresh stalks. Display on a plate, own foliage may be used for decoration.


Freshness is essential. To obtain this, flowers should be cut in the evening or very early in the morning before the show and plunged in water up to their necks. Aim at uniformity when staging. Show vases are available at the shows.
Select flowers in good fresh “condition”, i.e. in the most perfect stage of its possible beauty and free from damage due to weather, pests and diseases.


Select blooms with a well-formed centre, free from blemish and with strong stems and healthy leaves.

Sweet Peas

Select long straight stems with 3-4 well-spaced blooms, each fully open and fresh.




No commercial markings on jars. Jams, jellies, marmalade and other sweet preserves must have wax discs and cellophane tops. Chutney and pickles must have vinegar-proof lids.

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